2400 Benjamin Francis Leftwich - A Love Like That

2401 Benjamin Francis Leftwich - Only You

2402 Bonnie Raitt - Circle Dance

2403 Bonnie Raitt - Feeling of Falling

2404 Bonnie Raitt - You Got It




2405 Del Amitri - Nothing Ever Happens (2 Meter Session)

2406 Jason Isbell - Dreamsicle

2407 Jason Isbell - I've Been Loving You Too Long

2408 Jason Isbell - Letting You Go

2409 Josh Ritter - In Fields






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Playlist 02 van Diederik A.

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laatste update: 10 april 2024

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2410 King Creosote - Love is a Curse

2411 Mike Zito - Forever My Love

2412 Neil Young - When I Hold You In My Arms

2413 Pete Droge - Hardest Thing To Do

2414 Pete Droge - Northern Bound Train




2415 Scott Sean White - 12 Notes And 26 Letters

2416 Scott Sean White - Keeper.mp3

2417 Scott Sean White - Small World

2418 The Furious Seasons - The Shortest Day of the Year

2419 The Verve - Lucky Man.mp3